Welcome Innsbruck - Winter 2017/18
W E L C O M E 30 W I N T E R T R E N D S P R O D U K T D E S J A H R E S : A C T I O N TUGBOAT, KORUA SHAPES Die Snowboards der jungen Marke Korua Shapes sind bekannt für ihre außergewöhnlichen Formen. Und auch das innovative Tugboat überzeugte durch sein auffälliges Design: Die große Nose bietet im Tiefschnee extremen Auftrieb, die Taper-Form und die 3D-Base sorgen für einen guten Druck über die Kante. Ein in die Board-Unterseite integrierter Ka- nal garantiert zudem bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten Stabilität. Das Tugboat ist auch für das Carven auf hartgepressten Pisten konzipiert. 449 Euro. P R O D U C T O F T H E Y E A R : A C T I O N TUGBOAT, KORUA SHAPES The snowboards of the young brand Korua Shapes are known for their unusual shapes. The innovative Tugboat also stuck out thanks to its striking design: the big nose provides extreme float in deep snow, the taper shape and the 3D base give you good pressure on the edges. A channel integrated into the underside of the board, moreover, guarantees stability at high speeds. The Tugboat has also been conceived for carving on hard-packed slopes. 449 Euro. Hochfunktionelle Skikleidung und stylisher Stadtlook: Der neue Volcan Parka von Peak Performance besteht aus zwei unterschiedlichen Goretex © -C-Knit-Stoffen und schafft eine optimale Balance zwischen Widerstandsfähigkeit und Leichtigkeit. // Highly functional skiing fashion and stylish city look: the new Volcan parka by Peak Performance consists of two different Goretex™ C-Knit fabrics and achieves a perfect balance between resilience and lightness. of carbon, guarantee maximal performance also for hobby athletes. The nano-tech surface, up to now only used in professional racing, is supposed to provide even better resilience and ideal gliding ability on all types of snow. For touring and free-ride skiers too what is para- mount is maximum utility, on the slope as well as in the open terrain. For the 2017/18 season, the manufacturers have greatly enhanced their models. The individual components, like skis, bindings and shoes, increasingly are being matched to each other. Especially popular at the moment, as far the latter are concerned, are the free-ski-oriented touring models. A N O U T F I T F O R M O U N T A I N A N D C I T Y As far as fashion goes, one thing quickly becomes obvious: the time of loud neon colours and wild prints is over. The cuts more and more per- fectly adapt themselves to ski sport requirements. And almost without ex- ception the skiing fashion, beside the alpine sport itself, can also be worn for snow-shoe hikes, winter mountain biking, or simply for walking. New materials such as extremely efficient, elastic functional fabrics, stretching in all directions, as well as technical innovations like fully taped seams, in- telligent 3D cuts, or laser-cut air vents have revolutionised ski fashion. The new collections thus provide comprehensive protection from too much heat, very low temperatures, from wind, weather and injuries from falls, and still grant unparalleled freedom of movement. Especially free-riders will be very pleased indeed. Moreover, the models are designed so they can be worn both for sporting activities and around town. W © AARON SCHWARTZ
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