Welcome Innsbruck - Winter 2017/18

W E L C O M E 53 tiroler blüten - räuchermischungen aus bioanbau weihrauch aus salalah / oman „al hojari“, boswellia sacra, 1.wahl mexikanische copalharze handverlesen von stephanie cammerlander baumharz erhältlich: Weihnachtsmarkt Maria-Theresien-Strasse vom 25.11. 2017- 06.01.2018 Strudel-Cafe Kröll, Hofgasse 6, Altstadt Innsbruck Tiroler Edles, Seilergasse 13 Altstadt Innsbruck Onlineshop: www.baumharz.at wenn die nächte länger werden. weiberwirtschaft.at nicht, wie bei den anderen beiden Großveranstaltungen, darum, das Thema in den Vordergrund zu stellen, sondern vielmehr darum, die Bekanntheit zu steigern und die Begehrlichkeit zu schüren. Be- reits jetzt besuchen uns zahlreiche Journalisten und Trainingsgruppen, die beispielsweise Rennrouten abfahren wollen. Die rennradspezifische Gruppe ist touristisch gesehen aber natürlich eine Nische, in der Gesamtkommunikation unseres Angebots steht das Thema Rennrad nicht am Radar. Für uns gilt vielmehr, während des Events in Sachen Medialisierung das Maximum herauszuholen. Hier werden wir auch zusätzliche Mittel in die Hand nehmen, um – streckenweise gemeinsam mit der Tirol Wer- bung – das Thema Rad in Szene zu setzen. Alles in allem wird es ein herausforderndes Jahr, das hof- fentlich für alle Beteiligten erfolgreich verlaufen und den Event-Teilnehmern sowie unseren Gästen unvergesslich schöne Augenblicke bescheren wird. W > > W I T H C R A N K W O R X , T H E W O R L D C L I M B I N G C H A M P I O N S H I P S A N D T H E W O R L D C Y C L I N G C H A M P I O N S H I P S , 2 0 1 8 W I L L B E A M E G A E V E N T Y E A R F O R I N N S B R U C K . You can say that again. And interestingly, the focus, as far as events go, will be on summer themes this coming year, which we see very positively, as we want to strengthen the summer season in particular. Big events like these, of course, help us position ourselves accordingly.  C R A N K W O R X , T A K I N G P L A C E I N J U N E , W I L L B E T H E F I R S T H I G H L I G H T. W H I C H A R E T H E M A I N A S P E C T S T H A T Y O U , A N D T H E T O U R I S T A S S O C I A T I O N , W I L L B E F O C U S I N G O N I N T E R M S O F E X E C U T I N G A N D P R O M O T I N G T H E E V E N T ? The management of the event as such for the most part is in the hands of the organisers. For us within the tourist industry, on the other hand, it is crucial to market not just the events themselves but also the holiday themes connected with them. Which is why we are very happy about Crankworx, which is not only a spectator event. What matters much rather here is a sustainable development of the subject of mountain biking in and around Innsbruck. On the occasion of Crankworx, we will put special emphasis on a quality improvement of the Bikepark Innsbruck. At Easter 2018, when all the others are still talking about skiing, we want to open the Mutterer Alm as a Bikepark. The objective is to be the first Bikepark in the Alps to open its doors. On the occasion of the opening, we will also present the new Flowtrail, which with its seven kilometres is the longest in Tyrol. At the Bikepark Innsbruck, we will then be providing fourteen kilometres of managed trails and making a big step forward in order, in the future, to catch up here with the already established bike destinations Sölden and Serfau-Fiss- Ladis. Moreover, there will be the first trail at the Mutterer Alm Park, from this winter season, that will be accessible all year round, weather conditions permitting. Partly through tunnels underneath the ski piste, it leads from the intermediate station all the way to the bottom of the valley. Besides the extension of the trails, of course, the continued development of our infrastructure for enduro riders and mountain bikers will be an important item on our agenda.  E V E N T W O E V E N T S W I L L B E T A K I N G P L A C E I N S E P T E M B E R , N A M E LY T H E W O R L D C L I M B I N G C H A M P I O N S H I P S A N D T H E W O R L D C Y C L I N G C H A M P I O N - S H I P S . H O W D O Y O U P R E P A R E F O R T H A T ? As for climbing, we already held the World Junior Championships this year, so that we basically had a dress rehearsal. For the event next year, we once more expect around 20,000 overnight stays. Our main goal, in connection with the World Climb- ing Championships, is to promote climbing facilities in Innsbruck and the surrounding area. As far as infrastructure goes, there’s not a lot left to do. After all, the new climbing centre has just been opened. All the more we are going to invest, though, in terms of information and communicating the whole subject, for instance with the new website. Recently, we also produced a marketing video. The World Cycling Championships, on the other hand, keep us all on our toes. It’s going to be the biggest summer event ever to be hosted in Tyrol. At the same time, we also need to think of those guests visiting Inns- bruck quite aside from the event. Generally, our focus will be on using the latter to position Innsbruck attractively. In contrast to the other two big events, though, we do not aim to draw attention to the sub- ject, but to increase awareness of the brand and its desirability. We’ve already had visits by numerous journalists and training groups, who for example want to follow the race routes. From a tourist point of view the racing cyclists are only a niche target group, of course. In the overall communication of our product range the subject cycle racing is not on our radar. What rather matters to us is getting the most out of the event in terms of media coverage. Here we will, partly together with Tirol Werbung, also invest additional money in order to draw attention to the subject of cycling. All in all, it will be a challenging year, and hopefully it will also be a successful one for everybody involved and leave the participants in the events as well as our guests with some unforgettable great moments. W