Isla Sola
Tirols schönstes Starksolebad /
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Täglich 10:00bis 22:00Uhr / daily 10am to 10pm.
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30min. IslaSola
p to 30,000 locals and visitors from all different parts of
the world know how to enjoy the unique atmosphere that
the mountain city provides. The scenario is so magni-
ficent just with its amazing nature scenery that no other techni-
cal equipment is required. But of course, the sensational fireworks
will take place at midnight, and with the Danube Waltz the New
Year iswelcomed.
Innsbruck’sMountainNewYear’sEve isoneof thebiggest events
of West Austria, where each restaurant and bar of the city partici-
pates with plenty of attractions. Also children will have a great ex-
ofDecember from2:00pmuntil 5:00pm in theOldTown
Celebrations for kids – throughout the whole Old Town attractions
for children are offered. Highlight is the fire show at the Marktplatz
at 5:00pm.
From the 31
of December from9pmuntil 1:30 am
livemusic, cu-
linarydelights andagreat showprogramme throughout thewhole ci-
ty will accompany the evening until the great fireworks take place at
midnight. From the Seegrube to the city centre - amagnificent spec-
taclewill beprovided.
Innsbruck’sNewYear’sEve run
December, Startingpoint at theMarktplatz
(Students: 4:15pm, Adults: 5:00pm)
When darkness falls and the citymutates into a sparkling world, the
biggest New Year’s Eve run of West Austria takes place. This year, the
New Year’s Eve runwill have its 14th anniversary and sportive guests
and localscan’t imagineNewYear’sEvewithout this run. Racenumber
distribution and late entries at theMarktplatz starting from12:00pm.
There is a 1.4 km run for children and two rounds of 2.8 km each for
adults. Also Nordic walkers are welcome, whowill participate in one
of themain runs.
December starting from11:00pm in theDogana,
Congress Innsbruck
Tyrol’s biggest indoor NewYear’s Eveparty inviteswithhot beats from
DJ Kid Chris, Vocalist &House-Diva Sua Amoa and various live acts to
dance into theNew year in theelegant Dogana location.