A lively city
in theheartof theAlps. //
etween theKarwendelmountains in theNorth, thePatscher-
kofel and the Stubaimountains in the South, this settlement
areaof the state capital extendsonboth sidesof the InnRiv-
er. Its convenient geographical location at the intersection between
East –West and North – South, has allowed Innsbruck, after it was
foundedby the Counts of Andechs –Merania andwith the construc-
tion of the Inn Bridge in 1180, to quickly grow as an important cen-
tre of trade. The city‘s houses are densely packed together, nestled
in the valley andon the surroundingmountain slopes. Space in Inns-
bruck is limited and the cost of living is high. The view of the steep
Nordkettemountain range is tremendous: it almost seems as if it is
beingheavedup to theheavens from the seaof houses.
Breathtaking: FromUrban toAlpine
The contrast between urban and alpine could not be anymore strik-
ing. This gives Innsbruck its characteristic quality: you can get away
from the whisking force of city life withinminutes. Take the Hunger-
burg andNordketten cable car to the Seegrube (1.905m) or theHafe-
lekar (2.256m) highabove the city. The viewover thealpine scenery is
most impressiveandwithineasy reach. Even for city tourists it easy to
succumb to this enchantmentwithina short time.
But let us return to the urban aspect of Innsbruck. In the last 30
years, thearchitecturehere in Innsbruckhasbeenbuilt to international
standards, shown by its many well-known architects: Perrault,
Hadid, Tesar & Chipperfield... just tomention a few. Innsbruck has be-
comea centre formodernarchitecture, primarily thanks to theCentre
of Civil Engineeringand theAUTCentre for Architecture.
Innsbruck not only boastsmodern art but alsobeautiful old architec-
ture. Innsbruckwas the former residence of theHabsburg. Its historic
architecture is dominatedby lateGothic, Renaissance, andBaroque&
Historicism. Adiverse urbandevelopment combinedwithmodern ar-
chitecture creates an excitingmix. The historic Old Town is especially
adoredby guests from all over theworld. “Habsburg sells” this slogan
is also relevant to Innsbruck. FollowingVienna, it is theplace that has
Maria-Theresien-Straße. Stadt trifft Berg. //
MariaTheresienStreet. Citymeetsmountain.