lready the indigenous people made use of them, as it pre-
vented them from sinking too much into the white coat whi-
le walking. Today, snowshoes can be part of anyone’s sports
equipment: Everyone who can walk can also go snowshoeing, as it
doesn’t require special skills. One food is placed comfortably in front
of the other – in the first five minutes you might feel a bit clumsy,
but this sensation will pass very soon. Breathe in the cold air and en-
joy the calmness of the untouched scenery while stomping evenly th-
rough glittery snow. You won’t be able to hear anything but your own
breathing and the crunching snow under your feet.
Enter the forest and look out for the squirrel searching for nuts. Little
by little, the trees become less, the sun rays more and the summit cross
gets closer. All of a sudden, Chris and I start walking faster: Men like to
measure themselves against each other, when it gets closer to the goal.
Once arrived, the amusing rivalry is over and forgotten and it is time to
enjoy a hot cup of tea and an awe-inspiring view.
The way down is way faster, as with every step the shoes sink into the
powder snow and you can almost slide down the hillside. One step up
is equivalent to two steps down, but unfortunately just as long as it is
steep and there is enough fresh snow. Of course, on the skiers we would
be much faster, but ski touring is just a lazy version of snowshoeing.
And the best part is…
… You won’t need expensive equipment. Grab your backpack and pack
it with gloves, a beanie, hankies, sun glasses, a filled thermos bottle, a
T-Shirt to change, a torch, a first-aid kit and some nibbles for the road.
Then you will need warm and waterproof clothes, gaiters, adjustable
walking sticks and, of course, snowshoes. Just give it a go and we pro-
mise that you will love the snowshoe adventure! The surroundings of
Innsbruck offer a lot of possibilities in flat as well as steep areas. But
be aware that for snowshoeing in steep parts, avalanche equipment
and know-how are required. Put your snowshoes on and let’s go!