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Bauzeit: 1998–2002

Planung: Zaha Hadid Architects

Mit der Sprungschanze auf dem Bergisel erhielt das Stadt-

bild von Innsbruck eine weithin sichtbare „landmark“. Die

verschiedenen funktionalen Elemente der Schanze wur-

den von Hadid zu einer bewegten Skulptur verschmolzen,

einer eleganten und zeichenhaften Figur, die als technisch

und formal präzis gestaltetes Sportgerät die Dynamik des

Skispringens symbolisiert. Im Sprungturm befindet sich ein

Panoramacafé samt Terrasse, die einen atemberaubenden

Blick auf die Tiroler Hauptstadt und die umliegenden Berge



Construction time: 1998-2002

Design: Zaha Hadid Architects

With the Bergisel Ski Jump the city of Innsbruck received a ma-

jor landmark. The architect has created a flowing ensemb-

le that unites the static element of the tower and the dynamic

form of the ramp into a sculptural whole. A café is integrated

into the tower and offers a panoramic view of the landscape as

well as a sight of the sporting events taking place beneath it.


o be exposed to such a multi-layered ar-

chitectural time journey in a relatively

small region, might be quite surprising

for one or the other Tyrol visitor. Cutting-ed-

ge buildings appear suddenly in between tra-

dition-steeped farms, castles or historic town

houses that reflect the history of the country.

The former times’ splendour persists next to

contemporary structures of the modern alpine

architecture. These contrasts constantly breathe

new life into the pulsating city of Innsbruck and

inspire innovations. Over the last years, a large

number of new buildings has appeared which

meet the needs of modern life and at the same

time represent interesting eye-catchers.

In terms of modern architecture, Tyrol is keeping

pace with the times. In recent years, a series of

modern buildings from local as well as interna-

tional architects has gained international reco-

gnition. Innovative and brave concepts demons-

trate that Tyrol doesn’t only stand for tradition

but also for acceptance and mastering of new

challenges. The following small overview with

a selection of implemented projects intends to

awake the reader’s curiosity to go on an archi-

tectural tour.




Design: students, aut. architektur und tirol

In Innsbruck’s Rapoldipark, bilding received its own house, which was designed

and built by the students of the University of Innsbruck. The pavilion-like workshop

building provides the optimal spaciousness for artistic works and at the same time

enriches the park with its unique architectonical structure. Extended terraces and

ceiling high glass fronts connect the curved structure with its surroundings, while

the interior’s sloped walls and floors create a flowing continuum of rooms with dif-

ferent atmospheres.