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alpine living – and it is not without reason that the region is a member

of the prestigious Best of the Alps alliance, a select group of exclusive

holiday resorts all located in the heart of the Alps. Seefeld impresses

with its unique infrastructure, its lively tradition and its warm-hear-

tedness. And there is no shortage of entertainment either with a ye-

ar-round portfolio of superb events and festivities.

When it comes to cross-country skiing, the motto is “the journey

is the reward”. No other winter sport combines physical exercise and

pleasure in an awe-inspiring scenery like this one does. Here in the

Olympiaregion Seefeld, the Olympic torch has burned no fewer than

three times. A particular highlight is the FIS Nordic Ski World Champi-

onships, which are set to be held in Seefeld for the second time in 2019.

It is therefore not surprising that all efforts are made to provide pro-

fessional and amateur cross-country skiers with phenomenal skiing

pleasure: 271 kilometres of immaculately groomed, award-winning

cross-country ski tracks offer perfect conditions. The wide and quali-

ty-assessed new tracks covering all levels of difficulty are suitable for

classic-style as well as for skating-style skiing. They also enable wheel-

Die bezaubernde Fußgängerzone

Seefelds ist eine der ältesten Tirols. //

Seefeld’s magical pedestrian centre

is one of the oldest in Tyrol.

elle Programme und breitgefächerte Angebote unterstreichen den

Genussfaktor: Kein Wohlfühl-Wunsch bleibt hier offen!

Wer es belebter mag, der wird vom pittoresken Ortskern in Seefeld

– einer der ältesten Fußgängerzonen Tirols – auf einen Bummel in

einzigartigem Flair verführt. Exklusive, familiär geführte Boutiquen

laden zum Shoppingvergnügen. Feinschmecker erwarten eine Viel-

zahl von Cafés, Bars, Restaurants und Hotels auf eine kleine Auszeit.

Und wer alles auf eine Karte setzen möchte, der kann dies im alpen-

ländischen Stil gehaltenen Casino in Seefeld tun. Die feine Art alpi-

nen Lebensstils – Geheimnis gelüftet!



eefeld’s sun-blessed, south-facing mountain plateau at an al-

titude of 1,200 metres provides plenty of great activities to

keep fit and healthy and to regenerate in a relaxed atmosphere.

The region’s five villages – Seefeld, Leutasch, Reith, Mösern-Buchen &

Scharnitz – offer something to suit everyone, from sports enthusiasts

to nature lovers, from connoisseurs and relaxation-seekers to families.

The year-round Tyrolean holiday destination embodies the fine art of