guration on the 12
of March 2011 the museum fascinates visitors
fromnear and far.
Spectacular sportsarena
The Bergisel is much more than a review of history. Once you have
passed theUlrichhausand theOfficers‘ casinoof the Imperial Infantry,
youwill reach the sportive part of the Bergisel hill. It became famous
for being the venueof theOlympicGames in1964and1976andalso
the first YouthOlympicGameswereheldhere in2012.
The spectator arena (canhold27,000 visitors) is crownedwith the
ski jumpbyZahaHadid, which servesat the same timeasanobserva-
tion tower. Large groups of visitors gather at the ski jump, as it provi-
des an awesome view over Innsbruck and the Nordkette (lift access).
From the restaurant “Sky” you can reach the spectator platform, from
which the inrunand the jump track canbe seen.
With a bit of luck youmight be able to watch the “Young Eagles”,
the Tyrolean jumping team, during their training. Also paid ski jum-
pers for tourists cause serious excitement.
Vis-à-vis on the counter slope, flags are flying during events – here
you can find the firebowls and thebronzeboards, inwhich the cham-
pionsof theOlympicGamesareengraved. Aspartof theFourHillsTour-
nament, every year on the 4
of January, the spectacular ski jumping
takes place at the Bergisel hill. The ski jump had been rebuilt a lot of
times, before its final construction between 1999 and 2002. The Iraqi
architect ZahaHadid created amasterpiece. An exhibition inNew York,
which focusedon the ski jump, raised thepopularityof Innsbrucka lot.
The Bergisel ski jump is still considered themost modern ski jump in
Europeandhasbeenawardedmany international prizes.
as Herzstück des AQUA DOME, der kristallförmige Thermen-
, lädt mit schwefelhaltigem Thermalwasser aus
1.865mTiefezumgesundenBadenein. Zweiwohligwarme In-
nenbecken, einAktivbecken, Ruheräume, Solarienund eineWärmeoa-
se verwöhnen Körper und Geist. Mit Unterwassermusik, Lichteffek-
ten, Schwefel- und Solewasser bietendiedrei scheinbar schwebenden
Schalenbecken der Freilufttherme
die perfekte Kulisse zum
Abschalten vom Alltag. Die abwechslungsreichen Saunen halten für je-
de Verfassung das passendeWärmeerlebnis von sanften 55° bis satten
115°Celsiusparat. FürdaskühleKontrastprogrammsorgenderbeleben-
deEisregen inderGletscherhöhleodereinanregenderKneippgang.
he crystalline thermal dome
is the heart of the
AQUA DOME. Two large indoor pools filled with sulphurous
thermal water drawn from a depth of 1865metres are open
throughout the year. Further highlights include an activity pool,
chill-out rooms, sunbeds and a heated relaxation zone. The three
bowl-shaped outdoor pools appear to be levitating in mid-air and
feature underwatermusic, light effects, sulphurous and brinewater
aswell asmagnificent views of the surroundingmountains. Work up
a sweat with its selectionof saunas from a gentle55° to a scorching
115° Celsius, before cooling off under one of the rainforest showers
orwithawalk through the cold-waterwadingpools.
AQUADOME–Tirol ThermeLängenfeld•Oberlängenfeld140, 6444Längenfeld, Tel.: +4352536400,
Öffnungszeiten: Therme: täglich von9bis23Uhr, Sauna: täglich von10bis23Uhr. JedenSonntag ist dieSaunabeimKauf der Abendkarte
inkludiert. JedenFreitag sindThermeundSaunabis24Uhr geöffnet.
Openinghours: Thermal baths: daily from9.00am–11.00pm; Sauna: daily from10.00am–11.00pm. Guestsbuyinganevening ticket for the
AQUADOMEonSundays receive freeaccess to thesaunas. EveryFridayboth the thermal bathsand thesaunaareastayopenuntilmidnight.
Erholenauf20.000Quadratmetern inTirolseinziger Therme!
DerAQUADOME inLängenfeldbietet vor einer imposanten
BergkulisseEntspannungundRegenerationpur. //
Relaxon20,000SquareMeters inTirol‘sonlyThermal Spa!
inLängenfeldofferspure relaxationand regenaration in theheartof themountains.
Giant Cyclorama, Exhibitionon themythTyrol,
Kaiserjägermuseum, Restaurant TyroleanPanorama
Bergisel 1-2, 6020 Innsbruck,
Note: ClosedonTuesdays
with tower restaurant “Bergisel Sky”,
warmmeals throughout theday