Hallerstrasse 111, 6020 Innsbruck
BUR15_Brand_Roope_IbkStore_EconovaAT.indd 1
06.10.14 13:18
he Air & Style stands for cool jumps and even cooler dudes,
action and fun, quarterpipes and corner jumps, good beats
and exciting stunts. First held in 1993, the contest has de-
veloped into an international spectacle and has turned into a hot-
spot for party people and snowboard freaks. For the tenth time, on
the 16
and 17
of January, the world of sport will focus on Inns-
bruck. This event is amixtureof top sport and livemusic andwill ta-
keplaceat theBergisel arena.
Early 2014, Air & Style creator and manager Andrew Hourmont
passedmajor shares of his Air & Style company on to extreme sport
professional ShaunWhite, who was already a host at the Air & Style
in Peking and gives the contest a fresh kick. The US-American Shaun
White, born1986 in SanDiego/California, is one of themost extreme
in the international snow- and skateboarding scene. Hewonamongst
others the Air & Style contest in 2003 and 2004, he became champi-
on in theOlympichalfpipecompetition in2006and2010andwonal-
so the TTRWorldSnowboard Tour in the2006/07 season. Inhismost
recent competition at Olympia in Sochi 2014 he could “only” achieve
the fourth place due to being in a not so good condition. His depar-
ture from Russia without a medal resulted in a sensational effect –
not quite the sensationhewouldhavewished for though.
Now he is giving a new direction to his career… Business andma-
nagement determine his daily routine. Nevertheless, he remains loyal
to his board. Also to themusic, even though he damaged his wrist in
Sochi, which is not quite useful considering he is the guitarist of the
band “Bad things”. His passion for music will also have influence on
thenew conceptionof theAir &Style. Theplanof expanding theevent
series toAmerica already exists –with Los Angeles as a starting point
with amixture of sport event andmusic festival. Will ShaunWhite be
part of the futureAir &Style?Wedon’t know (yet)…
Mit jedemSprungbebt dieArena. //
Thearena shakeswithevery jump.