says the artistic director Alois Schöpf. “This happens only if the venue
satisfies highly professional standards.”
The idea
It is the venue, the way they are presented and their content that give
the promenade concerts their special flair. “They basically follow the
tradition of the era of Viennese Classic in contemporary form:
The central task of the Austrian brass music is to bring the important
works of art music to a wide audience,” explains Schöpf. “All the works
presented in the Imperial Palace have to conform to the standards of
classical music and the Classical Modernism in terms of their composi-
tional quality. And people don’t need to pay an expensive entrance fee
to be part of the spectacle.” Everyone can enter and leave the courtyard
of the Imperial Palace as they please, the concerts are free of charge. All
this results in a special atmosphere that Schöpf likes to refer to as mag-
ic: A beautiful summer evening, an outstanding orchestra performance,
a fascinated audience – “This really is a once-in-a-lifetime experience“.
The dramaturgy
The promenade concerts pursue their own dramaturgy creating a mu-
sical arc of tension that completely captures the audience. “The or-
chestras have to follow this dramaturgy, it is fundamental throughout
the performances,” says Schöpf. The main aim, however, is to attract
the audience’s attention.
Only once every single listener is fully immersed into the spectacle,
the second part of the evening can begin, which could be referred to
as ‘the challenge’: “Besides so-called Old Austrian military music, the
promenade concerts also feature numerous contemporary works and
it is them that have to enchant the audience all over again,” explains
the artistic director. In the third and last part of the programme, it is
time for ‘reconciliation’: “The effort of the audience to engage with
the abysses of the Modern Era is rewarded with extraordinary light
music from the 19th and early 20th century. We asked Schöpf which
one of the many evenings he would recommend, but he simply an-
swered: “For me every evening is unique in its kind and I wouldn’t
want to miss out on any of the performances. I honestly recommend
to be at the Imperial Palace every night – from the 4th to the 31st of
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