for example along the cable car Karwendelbahn, to interesting guided
tours on region-specific themes. The participation in these series of
events is free for those possessing an Olympiaregion Seefeld Card.
Apart from its many events, Seefeld with its impressive and mag-
ical pedestrian centre, which is by the way one of the oldest in Tyrol,
has even more to offer. It was already in the year 1900, when tourists
discovered this secret spot, which it was at that time. But even though
thousands of tourists come here every year, Seefeld has never lost its
unique character and originality. The pedestrian centre represents this
mix of tradition and modernity. High quality and mostly owner-man-
aged shops carry a broad range of top international brands and offer
an impeccable customer service in a beautiful ambience. Internation-
ality meets rural idyll – away from the hustle and bustle of the capital.
No matter what you are looking for, you can find it in the cute vil-
lage of Seefeld: Fashion for Her and Him, designer clothes for children,
handcrafted jewellery or selected watches. All sorts of sport equipment
can be found alongside traditional costumes.
Don’t forget to buy something suitable for the White Night - Fash-
ion & Lifestyle Party, which takes place every year on the 14th of Au-
gust. For this event, Seefeld’s centre turns into one huge show stage
with the dress code “Completely in White”. Highlights are various fash-
ion shows presenting the newest trends, the after-show party and
the fireworks in white. The variety of brands in the enchanting cen-
tre of Seefeld is huge – and is complemented by local craftsmanship,
in which the beauty of the region is reflected. Seefeld’s craftsmanship
is celebrated every year on the second weekend of September. On this
occasion, the traditional craft is presented along with the deep knowl-
edge about the materials and the process. Visit the 100 stands and
watch the artisans performing their magic. The focus lies on enjoy-
ment – also in culinary terms: You can find anything from local inns
to gourmet restaurants – fresh from the region and always delicious.
A truly unforgettable experience awaits the guest at the sunny pla-
teau of Seefeld - high enjoyment and feel-good factor guaranteed.
www.seefeld.com; www.einkaufserlebnis.at||
14.8.2016: White Night – Fashion & Lifestyle Party //
14/08/2016: White Night – Fashion & Lifestyle Party
10. bis 11.9.2016: Altes Handwerk Tirol //
10/09 – 11/09/2016: 19th traditional Tyrolean craft fair
17.5. bis 20.9.2016:
Seefelder Dienstag’s Markt mit regionalen Produkten
Shopping & Wine
6. bis 7.8.2016:
Flowers & Ice
White Night – Fashion & Lifestyle Party
10. bis 11.9.2016:
19. Altes Handwerk Tirol
30.9. bis 2.10.2016:
Markttage der Seefelder Kaufmannschaft
17/05 – 20/09 2016:
Seefeld’s Tuesday Market with regional products
The traditional Dirndljäger Ball
Shopping & Wine
06/08 – 07/08/2016:
Flowers & Ice
• 1
White Night – Fashion & Lifestyle Party
The long distance hike Karwendel Marsch
10/09 – 11/09/2016:
19th traditional Tyrolean craft fair
30/09 – 02/10/2016:
Seefeld Market days