Am 1. April 1998 wurde die Cine Tirol Film Commission als
damals bundesweit erste derartige Einrichtung gegründet. Ziel
von Cine Tirol ist es, den Drehort Tirol aktiv anzupreisen und hier
gedrehte Produktionen zu unterstützen. Mehr Infos und Einblick
in die Arbeit gibt es hier:
On 1 April 1998, the Cine Tirol Film Commission was founded
as the first such institution in Austria at the time. The goal of
Cine Tirol is to actively promote Tyrol as a setting and to support
productions shot here. For more information and an insight into
its work go to
www.cinetirol.comBy the way, the Geierwally-Hütte can also be seen in the Luis Trenker mov-
Berge in Flammen
(1931), and Romy Schneider too was here to shoot
the legendary Sissi film (1955). In 2004, the Hafelekar was a setting for
the film
Weiße Stille
, which is set in 1943 and tells the touching story of
the soldiers of a mountain division holding out under extreme weather
conditions in a very tight space while their rations are going down.
It was one of the main inspirations for the children of the sixties to go
and learn skiing. After all, the protagonist of the eponymous twelve-part
TV series
was an excellent skier. Together with his dog Truxi, he mas-
tered all kinds of adventures. The leading roles, by the way, were played by
the Austrian world ski champion Dagmar Rom and her son Mario.
Kühtai, where the series was shot, also played host to Omar Sharif and
Michael Caine. Here and in Trins the movie
Das vergessene Tal
was shot in
1971. In 2005, Kühtai furthermore was the setting for scenes shot for the
Brazilian telenovela
A lua me disse
(The Moon Told Me), produced by the
world’s fourth largest TV station Globo TV from Rio de Janeiro.
And also
Der Metzger
, a two-part series on the conservator and hob-
by detective Willibald-Adrian Metzger (played by Robert Palfrader), who
solves mysterious criminal cases in his spare time, was partly shot here.
The village of Wildermieming became known as Sonnenstein through
the TV series
Der Bergdoktor
, featuring Gerhart Lippert and Harald
Krassnitzer. The Bergdoktor house was specially built for the series, broad-
cast between 1992 and 1999, and is a magnet for die-hard fans to this
day. Since 2008, a remake has been shown on TV shot in different loca-
tions. The Mieminger Plateau moreover served as a setting for three epi-
sodes of the crime series
, written by Felix Mitterer, and featuring Har-
ald Krassnitzer in the lead role as Viennese chief inspector Moritz Eisner.
In 2002, Andreas Hofer once more became the main protagonist in a
movie. In
Andreas Hofer – Die Freiheit des Adlers
, Tobias Moretti played
the Tyrolean freedom fighter. The Innsbruck Hofburg in the Old Town, the
Goldenes Dachl and the Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse are the original settings
where the shooting took place. For this purpose, Innsbruck’s Old Town was
taken back to the year 1809. Special screens, painted resp. printed with
historic motifs, served for example as facades in the arcades of the Her-
The Domplatz, among other places, served as setting for the Swed-
ish-Danishmusical drama
Så som i himmelen
(As it is in Heaven). The lead-
ing role in the 2004 movie was played by Mikael Nyqqvist. Also produced in
2004 was the movie
Crazy Canucks
, telling the story of a group of Canadian
ski racers who, from 1975, dominated the downhill races of the Alpine Ski
World Cup. Originally, Innsbruck was planned to be the setting for only some
scenes, but the plan was changed on location. The Vier-Viecher-Viertel (Four
Animal Quarter) at the corner of Seilergasse and Kiebachgasse spontane-
ously became the Mehr-Länder-Eck (Multi-Country Corner), with every street
being given a different geographical association.
In 2007, the Indian movie
was shot in Innsbruck. The biggest
Indian film production to date was set, among other places, in front of the
Landestheater, the Hofburg, and on Bergisel.
Pardes Mein Hai Mera Dil
is the title of the first Indian TV series shot in
Tyrol. With seventy million viewers at any one time around the world, it is
the second most successful Indian series of all times. In the course of ten
days, material for 312 episodes was shot exclusively in Innsbruck.