Mit 15 Jahren machte Tom Oehler bei seinen ersten Bewerben im In- und Ausland auf sich aufmerk-
sam, mit 17 war er das erste Mal österreichischer Meister – diesen Titel holte er sich dann fünf Mal in
Folge. In seiner aktiven Wettkampfzeit war er über sechs Jahre lang unter den Top drei der UCI-Welt-
rangliste, wurde Vizeweltmeister bei den Junioren sowie Indoor-Europameister und krönte seine
Karriere schließlich 2008 mit dem BIU-Bike-Trial-Weltmeistertitel. Seit dem Beenden seiner Wett-
kampfkarriere konzentriert sich Tom auf die weltweite Durchführung von professionellen Trial-Shows
sowie auf die Umsetzung von Film- und Fotoprojekten. 2009 und 2013 stellte er außerdem zwei
Guinness-Weltrekorde mit dem Trial Bike auf.
André Vögele, gebürtiger Innsbrucker, gilt als aufstrebendes Nachwuchstalent, das 2016 in seine
erste Weltcupsaison startete. 2010 gewann der Innsbrucker sein erstes Downhill-Rennen auf der
Nordkette. Er fährt beim iXS Downhill Cup und beim UCI Mountain Bike World Cup mit. Vögele ist
offizieller Mountainbike- und Gravity-Botschafter der Stadt Innsbruck.
At age fifteen, Tom Öhler drew attention to himself at his first competitions at home and abroad.
Aged seventeen, we was Austrian champion for the first time. This title he subsequently won five
times in a row. During his competitive days, we was among the top three of the UCI world ranking
for over six years, he was vice junior world champion as well as indoor European champion, and
finally crowned his career, in 2008, with the BIU Bike Trial World Champion title. Since the end
of his active career, Tom has been concentrating on the organization of professional trial shows
around the world and on the realization of film and photo projects. In 2009 and 2013, he moreo-
ver set two Guinness World Records on his trial bike.
André Vögele, born in Innsbruck, is regarded as an up-and-coming talent who went into his first
World Cup season in 2016. In 2010, he won his first downhill race on the Nordkette. He competes
in the iXS Downhill Cup and the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup. Vögele is Innsbruck‘s official moun-
tain bike and gravity ambassador.
the Arzler Alm Trail, of course, which is a trail with a super flow and
also in addition offers plenty of airtime, if desired. You should slowly
get to know it, though, and only then take more risk. Apart from that,
there also is the Einseinser Train in the Stubaital, only around fifteen
minutes from Innsbruck by car, which is a great mixture of technical-
ly challenging and „flowy“ passages.
A great tip for all uphill
enthusiasts is the Nordkette, that has an incredible panorama to of-
fer as well as a great number of first-class chalets and hosts. The Nor-
dkette Single Trail and the new Downhill Trail in Götzens are my per-
sonal favorites.
What is the main attraction for you in the sport? What does it
On the one hand, it‘s the fun of riding a bicycle. The flow, go-
ing down a super trail on the bike, is simply awesome. And then there‘s
also the mountain experience and the nature , of course. And, last but
not least, the friends you can share it all with.
I just love my sport
down to the last detail. It would be impossible to pick out any particular
things. But there‘s this feeling of freedom, of course, when you get the
chance of being out and about on the bike in our beautiful landscape,
and the challenge of the races. Of course, on the one hand it needs a lot
of training and professional preparation, Yet, the fun factor should al-
ways come first.
Where will you be found in the evenings after the events?
Usually, Jimmy‘s is a popular meeting place for the scene. So, off the cuff,
that would be my tip.
It would also be mine.