Für Kinder // For kids
Bären-Kinderspielplatz, Kletterwand zu Geierwally’s Adlerhorst, Klein-
kindspielplatz, diverse Lern-Spieleinheiten bei den Gehegen. //Bear
playground for kids, climbing wall to the eagle’s nest, playground for
small children, various learning and playing units at the enclosures.
Tipp // Tip
Im Alpenzoo können Ihre Kinder montags bis samstags Geburtstag
feiern; natürlich mit einer Führung, Kinderjause und einem Ge-
schenk fürs Geburtstagskind. // Children can celebrate their birth-
day in the Alpine Zoo from Monday until Saturday; of course with a
guided tour, a lunch packet and a present for the birthday kid.
Weiherburggasse 37a
6020 Innsbruck
Öffnungszeiten // Opening Hours:
November bis März von 9 bis 17 Uhr
April bis Oktober von 9 bis 18 Uhr
November until March from 9 am to 5 pm
April until October from 9 am to 6 pm
Innsbruck is calling
He has always had an interest for the local wildlife – even more than
for exotic animals. “When I started working as a zoo director in 1991,
a former study colleague called me saying ‘Now you are there, where
you have always wanted to be as a student’. I had forgotten about that,
but she was right,” so explains Martys. He is by the way a student of
Konrad Lorenz’, he was head of the Konrad Lorenz Research Institute
and spent some time at the Max Planck Institute in Seewiesen on be-
havioural research, before he came to Innsbruck.
Originally from Salzburg
I am from Tyrol, so I realized instantly that Micheal Martys is not from
here, but from Salzburg. However, he considers Innsbruck his home,
an ideal city, not too big and not too small. “The Tyrolean are very nice,
very direct, but uncomplicated people. They make you feel very welco-
me and from the beginning you don’t have to use a formal tone. I sim-
ply feel comfortable.”
Martys has his own special privilege: In the evenings, when it is dark
and calm, he likes walking around the zoo. “The eagle owl is awake,
the wolves howl, the ibexes jump around, it is my safe place.” After this
conversation I really feel like going to the zoo again, this time I will ta-
ke my kids there.
Die Bären-Grande-Dame Martina //
The bear Grande-Dame Martina