Ihre Wettkampftauglichkeit kann die Halle bereits von 30. August
bis 10. September 2017 anlässlich der Junioren-Weltmeisterschaft
unter Beweis stellen. „Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit dieser Veranstal-
tung schon einen Vorgeschmack auf die Weltmeisterschaft 2018
geben können“, sagt Karl Gostner, Obmann Innsbruck Tourismus.
Die Kletter-WM 2018 selber wird übrigens die größte Kletter-WM al-
ler Zeiten: 700 Teilnehmer aus 70 Nationen werden in der Climbers
City Innsbruck erwartet.
dream has come true, and it has turned out big and perfect.
The new Innsbruck climbing center is one of the largest and
most modern indoor/outdoor, climbing and boulder facilities
in the world. 5,700 square meters of climbing surface, a boulder ar-
ea of around 1,200 square meters, as well as some 3,000 square me-
ters of indoor rope climbing and 1,500 square meters of outdoor rope
climbing on three towers present climbing enthusiasts with a true Eld-
orado that is quite without equal. “This is a facility that meets all inter-
national demands. It is the first facility worldwide that combines sep-
arate halls for climbing and for bouldering for mass sports as well as
a Bundesleistungszentrum (national training center) for elite sports,”
Reinhold Scherer says proudly. In his eyes, the long-awaited climbing
facility lives up to the alpine-urban image of the City of Innsbruck and
to the requirements of local climbers, and it also takes account of the
lasting trend in the sport of climbing. Here everybody, from the begin-
ner to the professional, finds optimal conditions.
Climbing with the professionals
“There are few places in the world where extraordinary training opportu-
nities, like the new arena, and well-known, popular rock climbing routes
are this close,” says Karin Seiler-Lall, CEO of Innsbruck Tourismus. The in-
itiators are proud of having signed Anna Stöhr and Jakob Schubert as
testimonials. Schubert, world champion in lead climbing and two-times
overall World Cup winner, finds perfect training conditions at the new Klet-
terzentrum Innsbruck: “With the new hall, Innsbruck is setting standards.
I’m very much looking forward to the first training sessions at the unique
location,” he says. What is just as important to the two world-class ath-
letes as the optimal training conditions, though, is the very special at-
mosphere that Innsbruck stands for: “The city in every respect is my home
base. I’m very happy that we will be able, in the coming year, not only to
prove our skills at the world championships at home, but also that Inns-
bruck will be even more the center of attention with all its advantages
for all climbing fans,” says two-times world boulder champion Anna Stöhr.
Its competition credentials the hall will be able to prove already from
30 August to 10 September 2017, on the occasion of the World Jun-
ior Championships. “We’re pleased that with this event we can pro-
vide a little teaser for the 2018 World Championships,” says Inns-
bruck Tourismus chairman Karl Gostner. By the way, the 2018 World
Climbing Championships will be the biggest World Climbing Champi-
onships ever. 700 participants from 70 nations are expected to flock
to the Climbers City of Innsbruck.
Matthias-Schmid-Straße 12c, 6020 Innsbruck
www.facebook.com/KletterzentrumInnsbruck www.kletterzentrum-innsbruck.atTIPP FÜR DRAUSSEN
Der neue Kletterführer „Sportklettern – Mehrseillängen – Kletter-
steige – Eisklettern – Bouldern in Innsbruck und seinen Feriendör-
fern“ enthält aktuelle Topos der zahlreichen Klettergebiete der ge-
samten Region. Das komplett aufklappbare, praktische Ringbuch
gibt’s in den Büros des Tourismusverbands und im Buchhandel.
The new climbing guide Sportklettern – Mehrseillängen –
Klettersteige – Eisklettern – Bouldern in Innsbruck und seinen
Feriendörfern contains up-to-date topos of the numerous climbing
spots throughout the region. The fold-out, practical loose-leaf is
available in all tourist offices and in bookshops.
bit.ly/2mmvqQk bit.ly/2niwoCf