The landlord knows the name of his guests and what they like to drink and eat. In an inn, it feels like the time has stopped, only the people go on
and grow older. For the locals, inns represent some sort of ethos, it is a life style and a fixed component of their life – inns create a deeper sense
and identity. The sense: Encounters are wonderful and full of emotions; that’s what makes the human being. The identity: That’s what you are part
of, everyone wants to be part of something. Inns are the places to find shelter, when the wife goes mad at home. Even I flee sometimes. Every-
one who is part of it – and that means everyone who is inside – communicates freely, even if it is a bit louder at times. If you want to drink a beer
alone you can find peace; like the older gentlemen or various lost souls that can be spotted when going to an inn.
Grinning students are sitting behind me: They come and look if it is still the same here and talk as if they knew better. Next to me three serious
looking older men with bored dogs: They seem to be part of the furniture: Dogs and owners. Often they just sit at the bar for hours – without
saying a word. The door opens and curious tourists walk inside: They want to know, how the true Innsbruck feels like and how our food is like. It
is a bit trite to say ‘The way to a man‘s heart is through his stomach’, but it is a fact that Innsbruck’s visitors don’t only come for the mountains.
A professor in a grey tweed jacket and a road worker in his orange work wear are having a conversation about politics. In our traditional inns ever-
yone is the same, there is no ‘higher’ or ‘lower’, everyone is sitting at one table. People start talking and strangers become friends after one, two
beers. Traditional Tyrolean inn culture stands for communication and an uncomplicated sitting together. The ambience is rustic, cosy and warm.
What else could you ask for?
Hier eine Auswahl meiner Favoriten: // Here is a selection of my favourites:
Wirtin // Landlady: Erna Oberhofer-Clemes
Fallmerayerstraße 8, +43 512 570450
• Spezialität: Backhendl und hausgemachte Knödel
• Anfahrt: 2 Minuten Fußweg von der Maria-Theresien-Straße
• Öffnungszeiten: Mo. bis Sa. von 9 bis 24 Uhr, So. Ruhetag
• Speciality: Fried chicken and home-made dumplings
• Access: 2minutes by foot fromtheMaria-Theresien-Street (city centre)
• Opening hours: Mon until Sat from 9 am until midnight,
Sundays closed
Wirt // Landlord: Anton Isser
Viller Berg 1, +43 676 83220300
• Spezialität: Tiroler Graukäse mit Essig und Öl
• Anfahrt: Buslinie M, Haltestelle: Wiesengasse, Straßenbahnlinie
6, Haltestelle: Bretterkeller
• Öffnungszeiten: Mo. von 16 bis 24 Uhr, Di. bis So von 11 bis 24 Uhr
• Speciality: Tyrolean grey cheese with vinegar and oil
• Access: Bus line M, stop: Wiesengasse, tram line 6, stop: Bretterkeller
• Opening hours: Mon from 4 pm until midnight, Tue until Sun
from 11 am until midnight