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development and refinement took

around 6 months more. Well, in this

job you never stop learning, there is

always something new. The process

of developing a beer requires a step-

by-step process of several months,”

explains Baumgartner. This is how

the Tyrolean Beer (Tiroler Bier), as he

called it, came to life. “It is a pure, un-

treated beer in the old style. It is not

pasteurised, stabilized or filtrated.” Precision and the love for the prod-

uct are essential ingredients. Over the years, he developed more types.

Today, the brewery produces 150,000 litres of beer and 1000 litres of

beer brandy (a distilled spirit created from craft beer). The production

range includes March and wheat beer, beer vinegar, beer brandy, Zi-

garrenbrand (cigar brandy), single

malt whisky and single malt whis-

ky liqueur. In Innsbruck, these are

served at the Bierwirt in Amras, in the

restaurant Anich, in the restaurant

Goldenes Dachl, in the 11er Haus

pub, in the NAX, in the restaurant “Die

Wilderin” in the old town, and in the

pub “Machete” in the street Anich-

straße. All products can be bought

directly in the brewery, where any-

one who is interested can also participate in a guided tour with tastings

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm. A retail sale of

1 and 2 litre swing-top bottles and beer brandy as well as of 5 to 40 litre

barrels with a Bavarian bunghole (remains cold 24h) is offered as well.

For more information visit


Die Maische wird nach einer Standzeit von etwa

14 Tagen in der abgehenden Gärphase destilliert.

Je nach Maische und Technik variiert die Dauer. //

After the mash has been fermented for about 14 days,

it is then distilled. The duration varies depending on

the mash and the technique.

EZEB Bäckercafe




Ö nungszeiten Mo - Fr: 6:30 - 18:00

Sa: 6:30 - 17:00 | So & Ftg: 7:00 - 11:30