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Jahr. Aber in diesem Beruf hat man nie ausgelernt, man lernt ständig

dazu. Schrittweise, über Monate hinweg, entwickelt man ein Bier“, so

Baumgartner. Und so entstand das Tiroler Bier, wie er es nannte. „Es

ist ein unverfälschtes, unbehandeltes Bier nach altem Rezept. Nicht

pasteurisiert, nicht stabilisiert und nicht filtriert wird das Bier ausge-

liefert.“ Genauigkeit und Liebe zum Produkt sind dabei unerlässlich.

Über die Jahre kommen weitere Sorten dazu, heute produziert die

Brauerei bis zu 150.000 Liter Bier und außerdem 1.000 Liter Bierbrand

pro Jahr. Die Produktpalette umfasst Märzen- und Weizenbier, Bier-

essig, Bierbrand, Zigarrenbrand, Single Malt Whisky und Single Malt

Whiskylikör. In Innsbruck bekommt man diese beim Bierwirt in Amras,

im Gasthof Anich, im Gasthaus Goldenes Dachl, im 11er Haus, im NAX,

im Restaurant „Die Wilderin“ in der Altstadt oder in der Machete in der

Anichstraße. Außerdem können alle Produkte direkt in der Brauerei

gekauft werden: Für Interessierte wird jeden Montag, Mittwoch und

Freitag von 14 bis 18 Uhr eine persönliche Brauereiführung mit Ver-

kostung sowie ein Detailverkauf von 1- und 2-Liter-Bügelverschluss-

flaschen und Bierbrand sowie 5- bis 40-Liter-Fässern mit bayrischem

Anstich (bleibt 24 Stunden kalt) geboten.

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popular saying in Austria is: “A small shot of schnapps will do

no harm”, which is often used as an encouragement or an ex-

cuse to have a drink and it is actually quiet controversial to say

this, as we all know that nine out of ten times, one drink leads to an-

other. However, schnapps is a popular subject in Tyrol – its production

as well as its consumption. Therefore, it is no surprise that we have a

long tradition of distilling schnapps: There is more than 4,000 distill-

ing rights.

The distiller

Edi Leismüller is one of them and he takes it very seriously. He has been

in the business for more than 20 years and sells his creations under the

name “Kerschbuacher”, which is also the name of his farm in the district

Arzl. Distilling has always been his passion and he turned it into his career

– at the highest level: “For me, distilling is a life philosophy. Before starting

my business, I set down and I defined my goals as a distiller: Life quality

and highest production quality are at the top, profitability comes second.

And this is exactly to

what I am still stick-

ing to,” explains Edi

Leismüller. In the

course of the years,

the farmer and mas-

ter orchardist has

gained several qual-

ifications. In Vienna

and Berlin, he com-

pleted a vocational training in distilling and later on also as a vinicul-

ture and cellar master. Since 15 years, he has been a court-certified expert

for distillation, plant breeding, orcharding, winegrowing and cellar tech-

niques. All this results in an enviable knowledge base. “A sound knowledge

and a perfect technique are part of the art of distilling. I always like to say:

There is no such as a little bit of distilling, just as a little bit pregnant is not

possible either.”

After a testing period of several years, Leismüller finally found and de-

fined his quality level. From the beginning, he has specialised on tradi-

tional, local types of fruit. He grows part of them himself, but obvious-

ly, the harvest is not enough considering the required amount. He buys

the majority in Austria, always choosing the fully ripe and high aromatic

fruits. Windfall is not going into his mash. “To be able to produce quality,

quality needs to be the base.” His rarest and therefore his most expensive

product is the Gentian schnapps, a pure spirit distilled from gentian roots.

Out of a ton of the wild yellow gentian root, which comes from the French

Alps, the distiller extracts around 17 to 18 litres of finest schnapps.

His products – e.g. Arzler Wildvogelbeere (wild rowanberry), Edler Apfel

(apple), Alte Hausbirne (pear), Tiroler Marille (apricot), Quitte (quince), Ar-

zler Wildkirsche (wild cherry) and many others – are predominantly sold

at his farm. The “Innsbrucker Muskatteller” is new in his assortment and

very limited as it is distilled from grapes that grow in his own garden.


more information visit

The brewer

In the year 1999, Harald Baumgartner fulfilled his lifelong dream: His

own brewery. With the creation of his own beer, the master brewer start-

ed alone and from scratch. “I already had the recipes in mind, but the

Bierproduktion: Nach der Rezepterstellung folgt

das Maischen, das Läutern, dann wird gekocht,

bevor die Gärung beginnt. Nach der Lagerung

des Biers wird abgefüllt. //

Beer production: First comes the recipe creation,

then the mashing and the lautering, followed by the

cooking and finally it is time for the fermentation

process. After this, the beer can be bottled.