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rooted in our family history – I am definitely proud of it,”

explains Almut. But besides pride, also a lot of respon-

sibility comes with it. In the end, it is pure passion that

drives the siblings. “My brother reads books about cook-

ing and baking like other people read novels,” says Almut laughing. His

curiosity brings us the finest cakes and pastries. Many of his delicacies

were inspired by the master pastry chef’s travels. His last journey took

him to Japan and lead to the creation of a chestnut green tee cream

slice, which can be enjoyed this winter as part of the extensive range

of cakes the Café Munding has to offer. The Munding family has always

been one step ahead. Proof of this are the macarons. “In the first cou-

ple of months, we ended up eating all of them ourselves,” tells Almut.

Innsbruck’s citizens are known for their scepticism towards anything

that is new. So, the macarons were taken out of the cake display – but

only until the movie “Sex and the City” was released. “One scene was

about a huge macaron tower being built in a tent in the dessert. After

the movie I called my brother and told him ‘Now, the time has come’.”

And I was right. Everything just takes a little time – just as the visitors

like to take their time, when they enjoy coffee and cake in Innsbruck’s

oldest Konditorei-Café. Even the retired chef walks into the café on

a daily basis and also his wife is still busy. It is as simple as this: The

family Mundings’ life revolves around this café.

Its special ambience with the interior dating back to the 1930s is

simply magical. However, tourists value the vintage atmosphere more

than the locals do. Their neighbours sometimes ask them whether they

have plans of rebuilding the place. But the Mundings know exactly what

their history is worth – and so they preserve it.

Alle Köstlichkeiten werden in unserer Backstube händisch hergestellt.

Adamgasse 5 -- Museumstr 5 -- Anichstr 44 -- Maria-Theresienstr 49 -- Reichenauerstr 68 -- Amraser Seestr 56a -- Hall, Stadtgraben 14 -- Rum, Siemensstr 10

mous creations can be enjoyed. Master pastry chef Christoph Mund-

ing runs the business together with his sister Almut in the meanwhile

sixth generation. As children, they loved to help their grandmother and

play “salesman” in the shop, but before finally taking over the fami-

ly business, they travelled the world for several years. “It would be al-

most unacceptable to not continue this baking tradition that is deeply

Das Himbeer-Baiser

ist eine besondere

Spezialität des Hauses. //

The raspberry meringue

is a specialty of the house.

Die Andreas-Hofer-Kugeln: „Die Kugeln hat bereits mein Vater gemacht,

aber als Dessert“, erklärt Almut Munding. Sein Sohn wollte diese Delikatesse

haltbarer machen, und so entstanden die Knuspernougattrüffel, welche die

Kanonenkugeln der Freiheitskämpfer darstellen. //

The Andreas Hofer Pralines: “My dad used to make them, but as a fresh dessert,”

explains Almut Munding. Her brother wanted to make this delicacy

longer lasting, which lead to the creation of these crispy nougat truffles,

representing the cannonballs of the freedom fighters.

Heiße Schokolade: Kein Pulver, kein Fertigmix – in die heiße

Schokolade kommt echte Schokolade, dazu Karamellsauce oder Baileys und

obendrauf Schlagsahne. Der Gast rührt selbst an – purer Wohlfühlgenuss. //

Hot chocolate: No powder, no ready-mix. Exclusively real chocolate is used

for this delicious hot drink, as well as caramel sauce or baileys with

whipped cream on top. The guest can enjoy the full stir experience.